Alumni is Born
How fitting it was that the Blade Alumni was formed for the 40th anniversary of the Junior Hockey Club in Blenheim. Richard Rumble, Lee Attewell, Ryan Jones, Dave O’Brien.. A lifetime
$100.00 membership fee

Blenheim Blades Alumni Life Members
- Lee Attewell
- Ron Carnahan
- Allan Carr
- Danny Chase
- John Cowan, Sr
- John Cowan
- Jim Cowan
- Steve Drewery
- Kevin Drewery
- Bill Ford
- Dave Frain
- Matthew Frain
- Ron Gable
- Peter & Linda Hebblewaite
- Art Huffman
- Doug Hodgson
- Manley Jackson
- Ryan Jones
- Mark Knott
- Murray Knott
- Bob Leyte
- Brian Lowes
- Scott Makey
- Bill Mallory
- Jim McKinlay
- Jim McNear,
- Bob McNear Jr
- Dave O'Brien
- Dwayne Oliphant
- Darcy Oliphant
- Gord Pugh
- Dave Richards
- Gary Robertson
- Steve Ross
- Chuck Rowland
- Richard Rumble
- Tony Rumble
- Bill Taylor
- Barry VanBiesbrouck
- Wayne Cowell
- Bill Saunders
- Robbie Vandersluis
- Ivan Warriner
- Paul Warriner
- Nick Warriner
- Todd Warriner